Follow these to make money online as a part time

Who doesn’t want more money in their life? Not everyone is born wealthy, and while we all have jobs, it’s not always enough to manage all expenses and maintain a good lifestyle. To make matters worse, jobs today are not always very secure. Everyday there is news of organisations having to retrench employees due to business challenges and costs. In such a scenario, it becomes extremely important to not just have a regular job but also a source of secondary income that can supplement your salary and help you save enough money for any exigencies. 

In addition, part time jobs are often more enjoyable than office jobs. This is because in part time jobs, we generally do things we are good at. Part time jobs also allow you to work from home – all you need is a computer or smartphone and an internet connection.

Check out this list of best part time earning options we have compiled and see if any of these interest you.

Online Gaming

Ever since smartphones became accessible and data became cheap, online gaming has become an important way to earn a part time income. A great way to do this is via online cash rummy games on platforms like or the PocketRummy app available on both Android and iOS app stores. If you have a good knowledge of the rules of rummy and have the passion to learn more tricks and get better at the game and compete at the highest level, this is a great option for you. Even if you do not have a lot of expertise at present, you can always practice more and play non cash games. If you feel you are getting better and winning most of your casual games, then it could be the right time for you to explore rummy for cash as well


A lot of companies today need a variety of skill-based work to be done for them but do not have the talent available in-house. Others want to keep their operating costs low and avoid hiring too many full-time employees to save on costs such as overheads and insurance. Such companies are constantly looking for freelancers to help them fulfill their requirements. A lot of work is available across domains such as content writing, consulting, graphic designing, etc. These jobs generally pay well and also give the flexibility to choose your own working hours. Check out websites like Fiverr and Upwork to see if you can get a part-time gig too.

Affiliate Marketing

Are you someone with a lot of followers on Instagram? Do you have a YouTube channel where you get a large number of views on original content? Do you run a blog that gets a lot of quality traffic? 

If you are good at any of the above, you can make a neat extra income by monetising your blog or channel through affiliate marketing. Brands are always looking for channels with a lot of traffic relevant to their products. All you need to do is influence your audience to buy the brand’s product via a trackable link that you need to embed in your blog or posts. In return, for every sale made, the brand will pay you a commission!

Sell Online

Are there any objects lying around in your house that you do not use at all? Or are there any gifts that you received on a festival that is of no use to you? Guess what, you can make money online by selling off these items on online marketplaces such as OLX. 

You can also explore Dropshipping, where you can sell unique items online. If you know of manufacturers who make goods at  a low cost, just market the product on online forums and social media and once you get an order, ask the manufacturer to ship it directly to the customer.

These are only some of the top ways to make a good part time income. There are many more so be on the lookout for the right opportunity. However, we suggest you choose something that’s easy to begin and does not involve a big initial investment. Choose wisely and earn well. All the best!